Are You Guilty Of Making These Job Search Mistakes?

In the current world of technology, looking for a job ‘appears’ to be an easy task; however, many job seekers make this assumption and actually make mistakes that can hold them back.

Below are the most common job search errors made and our recommendation on how to avoid them. See if you are guilty of making any of them!

Tell The World!
So many people searching for a job keep it to themselves and don’t spread the word. What you need to do is tell everyone you know that you are looking for work. This includes friends, family, neighbors, colleagues – you get it! Additionally, you should connect with your alma mater and make sure to use their career development center. The more people that are aware you are looking, will help to increase your odds of getting a job. So, get going today!

Not Giving It Your All
Searching for a job can be very time consuming. In order for you to be successful and land a job, it requires your full-time dedication! You need to make the job search your top priority. Create a detailed plan and stick to it. Identify who you will target, update your resume accordingly and send it out. Make sure to track and follow-up with each prospective recruiter. You need to put your full earnest into the search otherwise you will net mediocre results.

Not Using Social Media
You may be a whiz with your social media accounts but lack the finesse when it comes to applying it to your job search. Social media is first and foremost a platform to easily and quickly spread the word. Use it to let people know that you are looking for a job. Posting on your social media accounts can prove very beneficial.

The job application process can be very frustrating. You spend time to create a sterling resume and tailor your cover letter that you are sure will open doors. Time passes by and you still don’t hear anything and then you receive the rejection notice. This happens to everyone at some point in their career. The key to being successful is to not let it get you down. We know that this is not an easy task but you need to remember all your key qualities that make you an asset to an employer. Instead of viewing the job search in a negative manner, turn it around and view it as a life lesson that you will help you to learn and grow.

So, remember – looking for a job is a time-consuming process. It requires diligence and patience. Remember to spread the word, including posting on all your social media accounts, and tell everyone you know you are looking for work. And, above all, keep up your spirits. Sure finding a job is not an easy task and there will be rejections but when you do receive your offer you will feel so proud!

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