Are You Ready To Debut And “ACE” Your Video Interview?

In the current world of technology, video job interviews have become the norm. It saves time and money for both employers and potential candidates.

Prepping for a video job interview requires the same effort as if you were meeting with your prospective employer for in an in-person interview. Be ready to make your best cameo appearance in front of the camera by following these video tips.

Be Technologically Prepared
Practice, practice, practice. A few days before the interview, make sure to do a technical dry run to ensure you have your equipment running properly including checking the volume controls. If you need to download any apps, etc. make sure you do it PRIOR to the interview.

It sounds simple enough but remember to have your laptop or tablet fully charged and you are set up in a location that has a solid Wi-Fi connection.

Dress to Impress
Although this is not a face-to-face interview, make sure you are properly dressed. This includes avoiding flashy patterns or bright colors – wear something that looks presentable. You should do a trial run and wear your interview outfit. This allows you to view it and make any adjustments before the ‘live’ interview date. You might also want to ask a family member or friend to view it as well so they can provide some feedback too!

Set Up A Location With No Distractions
Make sure you select a location that is distraction free. It is recommended that you set it up in your home instead of a public place such as a coffee shop or library. You should remove any background clutter and if conducting at home, remove any potential disruptions such as email, text and social media alerts. Your computer should have all programs closed that could potentially interfere. Also, remember to set up lighting that is favorable – not bright or glaring.

Don’t Procrastinate – Be Early & Prepared!
Make sure you are prepared and on-time – in fact, we recommend that you log in at least 5 to 10 minutes before the interview. Have your resume printed in advance along with your notes. Being prepared will help allay any potential jitters – there is nothing worse than scrambling at the last minute to increase your stress level. So, setting yourself up BEFORE the actual interview time will be very helpful!

Making The Most of Your Cameo Appearance
Although many think a video interview is easy, it’s not! Make sure that you sit properly and keep your eyes focused on the camera. It’s easy to get distracted and let your eyes wander. Also, don’t forget to speak clearly and slowly into the microphone. You don’t want to come across garbled. A good technique to make sure the interviewer hears your response is to wait before answering a question to ensure that the interviewer has finished speaking.

So again, practice, practice, practice!

Mind Your Manners – Simple Stated – Say Thank You
So, you made it through the video interview and feel good about it. Simple stated – don’t forget to say THANK YOU! Say it at the conclusion of the interview and, of course, follow-up within 24 hours with a post-interview thank you note or email.

In conclusion, we cannot say it enough – preparation is key! This applies to all interviews – in person or video; however, candidates often get lax with video interviews. Applying the above tips will help you make a strong impression and hopefully move you to the next step in the interview process.

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